If a girl has Napoleon III frames, minus their glass ... and antique documents galore ... and 1800s plant specimens that have come loose from their moorings ... not to mention 1800s sealing wax ... the next logical step must be to start putting them all together - would you like one?
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omigosh....this is just amazing. i love the expression on that baby's face with those glasses perched on its nose. and all the treasures behind? pretty much a perfect meshing of all those unmoored bits and bobs. everything you touch is magic.
Posted by: Ursulas | 04/16/2015 at 04:15 AM
omigosh....this is just amazing. i love the expression on that baby's face with those glasses perched on its nose. and all the treasures behind? pretty much a perfect meshing of all those unmoored bits and bobs. everything you touch is magic.
Posted by: jennifer farnes | 04/16/2015 at 07:30 AM
Mais oui!!
Posted by: Trishia Jacobs | 04/16/2015 at 09:14 AM