A vintage optician's tool - with the different lenses that are moved up and down until the correct prescription is determined? No, too much metal.
Stained glass window? No.
Puppet or marionette with glass eyes? Nope.
A jack-in-the- box with glass eyes? Cute but no.
Old horse hair stuffed pull toy with glass eyes? No.
Abstract oil painting using glass eyes? Yikes - no!
Cane or walking stick with animal head and glass eyes? No.
A vintage bakelite fishing lure with glass eyes? Very clever, but no.
Is it a vintage doll head or doll with glass eyes? Getting warmer.
Could it be a carved wood figurine of an animal or person with glass eyes? No wood.
A duck decoy made from cork, plastic or canvas with glass eyes? Also very clever, but no.
Is it a mannequin/head with glass eyes for medical teaching/display? Close. So close.
Human wax head with glass eyes? Yes!
A bee's wax figurine with glass eyes? Yes.
Is it still available today in a new form? Or is strictly vintage? Is it a wax effigy of a famous Saint? Is it a reliquary? YES!
Still my favorite beautiful Santos with glass eyes? YES!!!
She is a truly special find, a beeswax (hence the animal classification) bust of a Saint from the 1700s. Pale blue glass eyes. A stunningly beautiful piece that I will now unwrap and photograph, ready to share with you tomorrow.
And why several items rather than one? Unfortunately her hands did not survive the past few centuries, but her feet did.
Photos and our giveaway winner tomorrow!