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me me me ....I am a qualified * institutionalized * (or so my husband says I should be)* ephemera-mad soul. I would love a chance to win! Thank you for having such a wonderful giveaway! Happy New Year!


Oh boy - these are gorgeous! I have just found you and signed up to follow so would love a chance to win these beauties. Thank you.

Kathy Barrick

Oh, yes, please!!! I'll even be kind and share with my equally ephemera-mad daughter!

Heather S

Ooooh la la! What a gorgeous set I'd LOVE to win!

George in Brooklyn

Would love to be included. Beautiful documents!

Abby Bastedo

Oh the chance to own these beautiful pieces of history! Please add my name.

Teddee Grace

Oh, please! Your offerings are a delight!

Trishia Jacobs

I'm already salivating? Isn't that the beginning sign of madness?:)


Lovely! Would love to be included!

Teresa Schreck

Beautiful pieces of history to smell, touch, and feel. Would love to add these to my collection .......:)


Lovely ephemera! Especially the large P and the name Charles!


you are always sharing your never ending pieces of french tra-la-la's
this group of lovelies is no exception........how delightful!
please include me in the give-away....
and thank you.....xo

Denise Dudziak

These are just beautiful, and I would love to have a chance to win! Thank you for being so generous with your gorgeous ephemera.


I would be compelled to create a lovely work of art with this once-in-a-lifetime ephemera gift--it is quite beautiful and I would give it the great respect it so deserves. Thank you.


I would so love to win this and add to my art journaling. Thank you so very kind.


I would like to win this!

Terry Littman

I would love this! A peek into another time.

birgitta Risholm

I would love to win this giveaway! I Folkoperan your advice in
Instagram and came here for a second chance!

amy of four corners design

but of course! who wouldn't love this lovely package of ephemera!


These are very special, someone will be sooo blessed. So generous of you!

Beth Huffaker

Awesome! I'd love to add these to my stash. I'm so glad to have discovered your IG feed. Thanks!

Kathleen Rubenbauer

My husband and I are going to Paris in September and the ephemera you are so graciously giving away would work wonderfully in a travel journal. Thank you for the opportunity to win!


Love the graphics and font. Would love more to add it to my collection. Thank you for offering it up.


Simply gorgeous -- would love to receive these in my mailbox ;-)!

jennifer farnes

are you so kidding? ANY thing you own....any thing...is phenomenal! how you must love touching pages that bear the fingerprints and maybe the tears from hands and eyes centuries ago. the things you collect carry ghosts with them that only the true brocante seeker can hear. you sniff their aged scents and imagine lives for them all. i think you must be the luckiest person in the world to live such a life of discovery and love and surprise and bliss and so much joy. thank you for such a marvelous giveaway. i know how much finding these things means to you....yet you must derive extraordinary pleasure from knowing that your precious things will be loved by the person you send them to. wish. i so wish it was me. thank you for the chance.

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