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cathy @ ma vie trouvee

ohhhh - I sooooo miss Paris and the brocantes! Old french books with interesting covers and wonderful text. A few photos inside are nice too. Not too big : )

Looking forward to your wonderful photos!!!

Elaine Paullus

Vintage laces, postcards, or bits of stuff


have wonderful time! i love paris.
bring back what you love, because, chances are i will love it too.

fly safe, have fun, take lots of pictures!
ps: how long will you be away?

Teresa Schreck

.......:) Wishing you a wonderful adventure in the French countryside, the open markets full of treasures, how I wish I could walk with you to the many brocantes, if only in my dreams....:)

Kathy Barrick

My heart will be flying to Paris with you!! I have a specific request....if you happen to find a mother of pearl souvenir heart pincushion, I would swoon with happiness! Safe travels and have the most wonderful time imaginable!


Nicola Beeson

Gorgeous hand painted post card.
Bon voyage!!

Gosh...I can't even imagine what you find...so wouldn't know what to ask too keep an eye out for.

I agree with Rebeca...bring back what you love and some extra to share :)

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