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Laura @ 52 FLEA

You have such a generous and kind spirit...
I need the key to understanding fear...
It will, of course, unlock and open my heart to possibilities. Do you happen to have such a key? :)


Such a tiny key that holds so much power. I would use mine to open the door that stands between my best friend and sister.

Danielle @ Blessed Serendipity

I wonder if you should have a key that would unlock a very old and dusty trunk found in a attic of a very old house. What could be inside of that trunk that someone thought should be locked? Perhaps a key that would unlock those old secrets.


mutuelle des étudiants

hello, I really like your blog, but I can't see the pics, is it a problem with my browser ? (I'm using firefox)

Bye bye,


a fellow A

a key to open my creativity, to give me license to take a chance, to step out of my comfort zone - does such a key exist?


I need a key (a very small one) to open my diary from when I was in middle school......oh, the secrets it could tell. I'm sure it's filled with a wealth of wonderful information that could help the world and solve so many of it's problems....if I only had a key:(


What a lovely give away.
I know it's finished but as a kid I read a book where a couple of kids found a key and as they walked along there was a large rock with a key hole which their found key fit. They used it and found the magical land of fairies and met the queen. All very lovely and magic filled. I have spent my life looking for the key, the rock, and even that book, to no avail.

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