One of our favourite Larousse illustrations, les pinceaux. Brushes for every occasion, including the painting of miniatures, cars, and boats. Separate brushes for oil and watercolour paints, for washes, and most particularly, for pastries.
Now it is your turn ...
Our lovely wooden box has 9 compartments. What would you fill them with?
You may be honest. Or silly. Or nostalgic. Or fanciful.
There's a handmade prize at stake ... possibly for you!
UPDATE: a set of handmade cards has been sent out to Me! in England - thank you all for your comments!
Mmmmmm....I wonder.....what would I fill these lovely nine compartments with? Great question!! After much consideration, my natural inclination would be to proudly display my latest "collection" in each little section. What kind of collection? Well it would have to be the collection of the month of course. You see I have many. It depends on what has been ruminating in my artists' mind at the time. It might be a new treasure I have stumbled upon and simply must start to collect because that's what you do when you find something you absolutely love. It might be something that my dear friend collects and I have already seen beautifully displayed that causes me to think, what a great idea!! Sometimes nothing can be improved on when you see it done so perfectly already. I think I know!!! I know the answer to the question!! I would store beautiful vintage bottons!!!! I can run them slowly through my searching fingers and wonder where each one came from. I can gaze upon them and note the unique beauty of each individual piece. I can choose the perfect ones for my collages and encapsulate the small wonders for others to see. I love buttons! Infact, I think I will collect them!! Yes!! I have a new collection!! Lucky me!
Posted by: Kathy Cameron | 11/05/2010 at 06:34 PM
Nine Compartments
So many choices with space of nine,
of course, one would hold red wine.
A black + white theme in number eight,
it helps me to keep things straight.
And tucked into number seven,
I see heart stones counting eleven.
And the box with number six,
is filled with tiny sticks.
As I count to number five,
I see a section of beehive.
Then I land in number four,
I find rusty bits galore.
More rust in number three,
there is one giant key.
Empty is number two,
this one is for you!
And what to do with number one?
Many ideas are better than none.
Posted by: Nadine | 11/06/2010 at 05:45 PM
9 pictures of me & a dear friend enjoying 9 different gelato flavours
or 9 of the best impromtu picnic spots
Posted by: Me! | 11/10/2010 at 01:12 PM
Posted by: Air Jordan 11 | 02/09/2011 at 11:39 PM