Your support. Your enthusiasm. Your thoughts and ideas. Your curiosity. We are touched and humbled. We would like to say thank you.
If you were at the Paint-In, please leave a comment. Perhaps share a little anecdote. A snapshot. A story.
We will select a winner. We might even use our antique roulette wheel. And what's in it for you, you ask?
A pair of petite saint's hands, to reach out and say thank you.
And what a lovely day it was! Second to Christmas is how I describe it, in anticipation, inspiration and revelation! As I started my glorious walk up the Moss Street in great hopes of seeing my dear friend, I noticed a golden glow coming from the left, I saw an angelic face smiling from behind a sea of curious and intrigued people. Her eyes were bright with gentle enthusiasm, her voice calm and marked with confidant experience. I noticed the ebony and ivory dotted scarf wrappped loosely around her porceline shoulders much like the fragile dolls that she has become known for. It was you!!!!! My favorite of all of Moss Street!!!! The day did not disappoint and I knew it wouldn't! Only 362 more days left until next year!
Posted by: Kathy Cameron | 07/21/2010 at 07:45 AM
It was my first Paint-In - in March I moved here from Florida. LOVED your table, wanted to buy everything but only took away a delicate bag of tin trays and a tin clock face for my (still in planning stage) shadowbox for Poe. Am enjoying your website - do you also have a Flickr?
Posted by: K0dama | 07/31/2010 at 01:21 PM
Welcome - it was great to meet you at the Paint-In!
The saint's hands have already found their new home, but let me know your plans for the Poe Box and I'll send a little something your way ...
Posted by: Brocante Girl | 07/31/2010 at 07:47 PM
I love the picture of the hands in the wooden box.
Posted by: David Arment | 12/18/2013 at 06:01 AM